Our Story

Come be a part of the journey!

Heritage Mills Flower Farm was born out of a desire to release beauty, hope, and joy into the community. Brandon and I are both creatives with a need to create beauty, and we also both love building relationships with people.

This is a generational farm, but not in the sense that most think. My grandfather and his brother were row crop farmers, their father before that, and his father before that. I grew up barefoot playing in the dirt and fields, riding along when they were planting, and watching the harvest season. I remember so looking forward to the end of the school day so I could hurry home to watch my grandfather and great uncle bale cotton. The smells of harvest season still linger in my mind, long after I’ve been a part of the process.

One day while walking our property, I had a vision of fields filled with people. But instead of row crops, I saw flowers. It was in that moment that the dream of Heritage Mills Flower Farm began. As this dream began to and is still unfolding, our hope is that you will join us on the journey and experience the beauty that is all around us - both in flowers and in each other.
